Monday, December 30, 2019

Catholic Moral Theology And The Medical Field - 935 Words

Catholic Moral Theology and the Medical Field Principally, morality and ethical issues continue to be a topic of debate, particularly in the modern day world. Essentially, this is because some of them touch the heart of the human life and failure to find a convergence of opinion threatens existence (Piazza Landy, 2013). In this respect, religion is one tool that has significantly influenced and continues to shape this discourse. Accordingly, this easy draws from the moral teaching of the Catholic Church to discuss some of the biggest challenges that human beings face today. The life of every person should be treated with respect and the dignity that it deserves. Fundamentally, the film elicits thought about the sanctity of life and how persons charged with the responsibility of care should go about it. Is this light, there is an element of Selective Human Dignity that is portrayed in the unethical commercial organ harvesting syndicate. The revelation by Dr. Susan that the Jefferson Institute operatives who have been instigating unwarranted patient deaths to obtain body organs for sale in the black market depict the life of recipients as superior to that of the victim. According to Kim (2015), Catholic theology teaches that human dignity is universal, and therefore, each and every person has value and deserves respect. Consequently, not a single life of any individual should be exploited, and people should not view themselves as better than others (Boyle, 2015). In thisShow MoreRelatedThe Intervention Of Biotechnology On Life Takes Two Forms Of Therapy And Enhancement1705 Words   |  7 Pagesoutlines categories that describe how Christians have related to the culture at various times in history with regards to his book Christ in Culture (Chesire 77). 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Effect Of Computer Vandals - 1430 Words

Table of Contents Introduction 1 Summary: 1 Impacts from Hackers 2 Financial loss 2 Loss of information 2 Deacreased Privacy 2 Types of Security Attacks 3 Definitions 3 Hacker Attacks 4 Ways to Prevent Security Attacks 5 Introduction SUMMARY: This report will cover some of the different types of viruses and people who create them (hackers). The research and studies carried out by child organizations and authorities has been analyzed thoroughly and their records have been included in this report. The report will discuss the effects of computer vandals, how the user’s computer can be remotely attacked, and what can be done to prevent being attacked. Impacts from Hackers Hackers have their reasons for breaking through IT security. Some do it just for the challenge, others for information, some for fame and some for improving their programming skills. Any kind of that reason, hacking causes damage to the computing devices of individuals and industries, sometimes resulting in millions of dollars loss of that industry. Here are some of the major impacts: FINANCIAL LOSS At the end of each year, businesses reveal their financial losses. Some of the losses include damages made from unauthorized access to their servers (simply saying hacking). One can be seen from Sony Inc., when, in 2011, it lost US$170 million dollars from a hack of their PlayStaion Network server. With personal information and money being stolen from nearly 77 million accounts Sony had to spend its ownShow MoreRelatedVandalism in the Philippines: Causes and Consequences1584 Words   |  7 Pages Vandalism is the willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property and the one who carries out action of vandalism are called vandals.1 It includes behavior such as breaking windows, slashing tires and destroying a computer system through the use of a computer virus. It involves criminal damages to people’s property without the permission of the owner. It can be also in the form of graffiti in a non-authorized or government infrastructures and properties. Vandalism isRead MoreCybercrime Challenges Of Public Universities1597 Words   |  7 PagesPhysical threats These are generally threats to information security that involve human or natural disasters. These are serious security issues that should always be addressed in any security management. 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Advantages  · An advert in print is normally kept for longer, so it may be seen many times by different people.  · Colour printing is now available at a much reasonable cost.  · Coupons can beRead MoreRome’s Forgotten Land Essay2372 Words   |  10 Pageslooking for ways to expand their empire. The Romans used this expansion as a way to spread their ideas and their knowledge. By spreading their technology throughout all of Europe they created advancements that wouldn’t be replicated until the time of computers. Language is also something that was huge in the creation of many societies, and the Romans brought language to their colonies which created common ground between the nations of colonized areas. Because of the Roman use of a single language, these

Friday, December 13, 2019

Commentary †Staring At The Sun by The Offspring Free Essays

Maybe life is like a ride on a freeway Dodging bullets while you’re trying to find your way Everyone’s around, but no one does a damn thing It brings me down, but I won’t let them If I seem bleak Well you’d be correct And if I don’t speak It’s cause I can’t disconnect But I won’t be burned by the reflection Of the fire in your eyes As you’re staring at the sun When I ran I didn’t feel like I ran away When I escaped I didn’t feel like I got away There’s more to living than only surviving Maybe I’m not there, but I’m still trying Though you hear me I don’t think that you relate. My will is something That you can’t confiscate So forgive me, but I won’t be frustrated By destruction in your eyes As you’re staring at the sun Commentary (Staring At The Sun) The Offspring are commonly known to be a punk-rock band but they have taken up so many different styles in their albums that many would agree that they sing something unique which cannot be fitted fully in a specific genre of music. But the core of almost every album has been fast songs with really meaningful lyrics (and not just something that rhymes which can be often heard in punk-rock). We will write a custom essay sample on Commentary – Staring At The Sun by The Offspring or any similar topic only for you Order Now Their album, Americana not only sold over 10,000,000 copies worldwide but also presented the band in a new light and served as a development of Californian punk-rock. In Americana, the band sings about different events that happen in the life of ordinary American families and teenagers. Staring At The Sun is one of my favorite songs not only because of the music but also because of powerful lyrics which combines well with the rhythm. Generally, the song is about trying to figure out your identity and how you fit in the world. It is especially evident for teenagers that are growing up and trying to fit in everything they do. The song also tells us of people who want to fit in so desperately that they compromise their interests and transform their character in order to fit in. The lyrics remind me of a narrative poem. The first line sets the mood of the song and suggests that the persona is in deep thoughts about life. Simile â€Å"life is like a ride on a freeway† reflects the subject of persona’s thoughts. Freeway† suggests freedom in choosing your way of living or your place in the society. â€Å"Ride† links to the idea of searching for something in this society. The second line completes the idea raised in the first line that life is searching for your place, trying to fit in the world. â€Å"Dodging bullets† suggests rage which could mean difficulties that can be encountered when trying to â€Å"find yourself† and that irrespective of anger or grudge that you ma y have you should continue to seek for your place in society. The next two lines link to the idea that it is important for anybody to be who he/she is and do not care what anyone else thinks. This is suggested by the third line that although â€Å"everyone’s around†, there is really no help from them in selecting the path of your life (â€Å"no one does a damn thing†). The next line extends the idea slightly suggesting that being yourself while all the rest turn against you is very hard but you should not quit the path you have selected. The end of the third line and the beginning of the fourth are loaded with â€Å"heavy† words. This becomes even more evident as the singer stresses these words when singing the song. Repetition of â€Å"d† and â€Å"g† in the words â€Å"damn†, â€Å"thing†, â€Å"brings†, â€Å"down† emphasizes the fact that there is no help from the people surrounding you and that they essentially try to stop you from selecting your path (â€Å"bring†, â€Å"down†). But this is then contradicted by â€Å"I won’t let them†. The second stanza emphasizes persona’s unwillingness to conform to everyone else. This is suggested by the first four lines. The last three lines of the stanza are very significant. In these lines persona is trying to say that if someone is going to destroy himself, he is not going to drag the persona down with him. This is suggested by â€Å"I won’t be burned by the reflection of the fire in your eyes†. The words â€Å"burned† and â€Å"fire† are significant here as they emphasize burning, dying out, destruction of character and identity of somebody who is trying to fit in something unnatural for himself. â€Å"Staring at the sun† is a metaphor or analogy for people that are being self-destructive or compromising themselves. The persona says that he is not a part of this and appeals to people to stick to their own paths that they have selected and not compromise themselves. The â€Å"burning† of these lines suggests persona’s fury about this situation. The third stanza is about persona in the actual search for his path of life. The first two lines of the stanza suggest that you may be uncertain or doubt the path you have selected when all the people around you are trying to stop you. Echoing of running away (â€Å"ran† and â€Å"ran away†) and escaping (â€Å"escaped† and â€Å"got away†) in the same lines emphasizes your tireless search for the true path, that you may not know what to do or where to go but you should keep seeking for it. This idea is also confirmed by the last two lines of the stanza that you should live in the way you want and not to conform to somebody else’s style of living (â€Å"there’s more to living than only surviving†) just because you have to, if it is unnatural for you. The last line of the stanza confirms the idea that although you realize you have not found your path yet you should continue seeking for it. It is also significant that the idea of searching, emphasized by the first two lines (â€Å"ran†, â€Å"ran away†, â€Å"escaped† and â€Å"got away†) also links it to the idea that your mind could be confused by other people’s opinions. The last stanza again emphasizes the fact that the persona is not going to be dragged down by self-destructive people who compromise themselves. In the first two lines persona is suggesting that although these self-destructive people may understand him they cannot take any action towards changing it as their identity and character are already tied in with the thought that they have to compromise themselves. The third and fourth lines of the stanza signify the fact that persona will not be a part of that by admitting that â€Å"my will† will be guiding him in search for his path and that it cannot be manipulated or â€Å"confiscated† unlike the minds of people who compromise themselves. This is also confirmed by stressing â€Å"my will† which emphasizes strength and endurance. The last three lines of the stanza repeat the end of the second one and thus emphasize the persona’s thoughts that it is important for anybody to be who they really want to and not to try conforming to or to fitting in somebody else’s style. How to cite Commentary – Staring At The Sun by The Offspring, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Common Law Rules free essay sample

A breach of a contract is a failure to perform it. True A court may depart from a precedent if the precedent is no longer valid. TRUE A decision on a given issue by a court is not binding on an inferior court. False A defendant is a person against whom a lawsuit is brought. TRUE A federal statute regulates an employment practice. To resolve a dispute concerning the practice, Paula, a judge, will most likely apply the statute. A state constitution is supreme within the states borders. True A state law that conflicts with the U. S. Constitution will be deemed unconstitutional. TRUE A substantive law creates or defines legal rights and obligations. True As a judge, Jay applies common law rules. These rules develop from decisions of the courts in legal disputes. As a judge, Nina decides cases that involve principles of various sources of law. Common law is case law. Brians pick-up truck collides with Mirandas semi-trailer on a county highway. Weighing Brians liability for the collision, Rachel, a judge, reasons by analogy. To reason by analogy is to compare the facts in previous cases and apply the same rule of law. Civil law is concerned with disputes between persons and other persons and between citizens and their governments. Common law is a term for law that is common throughout the world. False Common law is a term for the laws that are familiar to most of us. False Common law is no longer a source of legal authority. FALSE Common law is the best and only source of legal authority. False Congress can only pass legislation that falls within the limits set up by the U. S. Constitution. True Constitutional law includes only the U. S. Constitution. FALSE Courts do not epart from precedents. False Courts often rely on the common law as a guide to interpreting legislation. True Criminal law focuses on duties that exist between persons. FALSE Damages is a remedy at law. True Deductive reasoning involves a main premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion. True Diana is a state court judge. In her court, as in most state courts, she may grant in a particular case equitable and legal remedies. Each st ate has its own constitution. True Gary is a state court judge. In his court, as in most state courts, he may grant equitable and legal remedies. Hawaii enacts a state law that violates the U. S. Constitution. This law can be enforced by NO ONE If a provision in the Florida state constitution conflicts with a provision in the U. S. Constitution the U. S. Constitution takes precedence. In a suit against Evan, Floyd obtains an injunction. This is an order to do or to refrain from doing a particular act. In a suit against Sandy, Tippy obtains damages. In the U. S. legal system, this remedy at law is normal. In an action against Elin, Frank obtains a remedy. This is the legal means to recover a right or to redress a wrong. In Ben v. City Car Dealership, a state supreme court held that a minor could cancel a contract for the sale of a car. Now a trial court in the same state is deciding Daphne v. Even Steven Auto Deals, Inc. , a case with similar facts. Under the doctrine of stare decisis, the trial court is likely to allow the minor to cancel the contract. In Export Co. v. Imports, Inc. , there is no precedent on which the court can base a decision. The court can consider, among other things, public policy or social values. In most states, the courts no longer grant equitable remedies. FALSE In most states, the courts no longer grant legal remedies. FALSE In Sales Distribution Corp. v. Consumer Products Co. , the court decides that a precedent is incorrect or inapplicable. The court may rule contrary to the precedent. Jill is an appellate court judge. In this capacity, Jill establishes a rule of law. Under the doctrine of stare decisis, the principle must be adhered to by that court and courts of lower rank. John is a judge. The function of John and other judges is to interpret and apply the laws. Julius is a judge. How the Julius and the judges in other courts interpret a particular statute determines how that statute will be applied. Kurt is a judge hearing the case of Local Co. v. Macro Corp. Applying the relevant rule of law to the facts of the case requires Kurt to find previously decided cases that, in relation to the case under consideration, are as similar as possible. Law is a body of enforceable rules governing relationships among individuals and between individuals and their society. True Leona enters into a contract with Munchie Bakery to cater a sales conference. When the conference is postponed indefinitely, Leona asks a court to cancel the contract. This request involves an equitable remedy. Maggie and Nate enter into a contract for the sale of car, but Nate later refuses to deliver the goods. Maggie asks a court to order Nate to perform as promised. Ordering a party to perform what was promised is an equitable remedy. MaxiMart, Inc. , is a discount retailer. MaxiMarts customer service employees are on strike. Sixty of the workers block the entrances to one of MaxiMarts stores. To get them away from the doors, MaxiMart should seek an injunction. Most state trial court decisions are not published. True No state has adopted the Uniform Commercial Code in its entirety. False Quinn is a state court judge. In the case of Royal Banners, Inc. v. Superior Flags Co. , Quinn establishes a logical relationship by comparing the facts in the case to the facts in other cases and, to the extent the facts are similar, applies the same rule. This is reasoning by analogy. Remedies in equity include injunctions and decrees of specific performance. True Rules and regulations adopted by federal administrative agencies are compiled in the Code of Federal Regulations. True State agency regulations take precedence over conflicting federal agency regulations. FALSE Statutory law does not include county ordinances. False The federal government and the state governments constitute the U. S. legal system. This system is based on the legal system of England The Federal Trade Commission is a government agency that issues rules, orders, and decisions. The Georgia state legislature enacts statutes. The Jackson County Board and the Peach City Council enacts ordinances. Administrative law includes the rules, orders, and decisions of the Federal Trade Commission. The legislature of the state of Mississippi enacts a new statute that sets standards for the liability of businesses selling defective products. This statute applies ONLY IN MISSISSIPPI. Whether a law is constitutional depends on its source. FALSE The Montana Supreme Court decides the case of National Co. v. Overseas Corp. Of nine justices, six believe the judgment should be in Nationals favor. Justice Peel, one of the six, writes a separate opinion. The four justices who believe the judgment should be in Overseass favor join in a third separate opinion. Refer to Fact Pattern 1-1A. The opinion joined by the four justices who favor Overseas is known as a dissenting opinion. The River City Council, the Santa Clara County Board, the Texas state legislature, and the U. S. Congress enact laws. These laws constitute statutory law. The Securities Exchange Commission is an administrative agency. The chief purpose of such agencies is to perform specific government functions. The South Carolina Supreme Court decides the case of Toy Co. v. Umbrella Corp. The court issues an opinion that does not indicate which justice authored it. This opinion is a per curiam opinion. The stability and predictability of the law is essential to business activities. True The title of a case appears as Duck Down Corp. v. Egret Feathers Co. The party in whose favor the case was decided could be either party The U. S. Congress enacts a new federal statute that imposes liability on businesses emitting significant amounts of a certain pollutant into the environment. This statute applies to all of the states. The U. S. Congress enacts a new federal statute that sets different standards for the liability of businesses selling defective products.